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my name is gabriel and i bring peace. people call me simeon-yahweh. i live for the happiness of mankind, also maya. monday, june 11, 2018 the spirit of charity on june 11, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sunday, june 10, 2018 tyranny psychology and structure on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest the piety and decadence of sorrow on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest evil’s envy in omnipotence acquisition on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest formation, behavioral and prognosis description of mental illness on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest two integrals on truth and innocence on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest power in the real world on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest inexplorative sadism and possession psychosis and abuse integral on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest intreatable psychosis structural outline in function, representation and substance on june 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest saturday, june 9, 2018 the introduction of guilt and second thought globalized and specific imitation/mimic schema dissocial circuitous schemas which are standard/like fully integrated schema networks. the networks fire off other schema networks and this process outlined is motivatory and becomes a global mentality in callousness and thuggery through grandiosity and omnipotence seeking of feeling not absolute definition. the networks are dissuaded by conscience in counter-activation, but conscience is used in moral knowledge and by the dynamics and manifestation of its whole the representation in actuality effect and nature. mimicry becomes cohesive but fragmented in a mentality sense and throughout networks as a method of gratification and stimulation globally and specifically, this is reinforced and brought about in development and worsening by the dominance of the reptilian brain in drug use and primitivity. dissocial networks are interconnected and interrelated and become dependent and growing in scope in size as a proportion of mentality and interrelatedness among them grows dense in the absence of virtue and in the presence of unrepentant sin. interconnection of guilt centers and dissocial networks in right sequence and with stimuli is a promising method of treatment for mental reorganization. on june 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest treatment of apd on june 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest serial killer dynamics in integrals on june 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest friday, june 8, 2018 passion and love making (strength and womanhood) on june 08, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest three integrals in truth and preaching (the value of truth) on june 08, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest thursday, june 7, 2018 psychological disorders spreadsheet on june 07, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest wednesday, june 6, 2018 the war and the game 1. first comes the peace and good feelings of all in emotional expression and love, for the innocent and the wicked, the virtuous mercy killings of the wicked but forgivable 2. then comes the covetous that seek war for grandiosity, sin and sadism 3. the most ill-fearing rise to the top and carry out the suicide mission 4. the lies are instilled for drug addiction, sadism and the conceded plan for extinguishing existence and the betrayal of the innocent 5. the hatred of the innocent grows exponentially based on circumstances because of conditioning and circuitousness although they need them to hold i t together and be used and projection comes in and they are blamed and inverted definitions are utilized and believed 6. all proper delusion is harnessed, and deep sadism and dissocial opinions made accessed and numbers give them confidence and the drive 7. the rumination based on sadistic lies and the effects and impact of the psychological torture 8. the accusations of retardation and schizophrenia and the taste of unjust and inverted values 9. the worry of inferiority and hope lost 10. the distraction of thought into the hands of the lamb slaughters in order to make something like circuitous spawned irrationality or blocked thought 11. then the instilled lust for vengeance against persecutors which is wrong but somehow right because the innocent know war is wrong, but they strike in a malaise and confusion of motives of good and anger 12. moral questioning of the victim by his own innocent mind, and irritation harnessed for ill-fought war for drugs, sadism and graniosity utilizing perversion 13. then the cold-blooded planning of the next in psychological torture and the blitzkrieg to show that they have no capacity for mercy because it is theirs what they want 14. then comes the delegation and longer-term planning of terror and traumatizing plots coupled with the fear of non-stop and guilt on the side of the victim which is repressed, and thuggery and drug use abound 15. we will give them false motives to go to war and make them think it is their fault and instill them with guilt laden sadism to wash the morality from mankind through slow sequential stealing of good ideas and picking off of the strong through massive inferiority complexes 16. use of technology to torture and confuse the victim and then molest the victim throughout to aid a streamlined chaotic process, a continual factor 17. more sadistic lies in stockholm syndrome instilment 18. denial of blame or punishment, the non-giving up of authority to reduce punishment, and the death avoidance which makes it worse. 19. the breaking of all bonds and the delusion of forgiveness at some point in time with the blocked cognizance of the reality of torture in hell and imminent death for no protection holds them by a certain point in time 20. carefully mapped manipulations of the mind and grandiosity, and pathetic concessions that are sarcastic in nature in the true but non-humorist sense 21. defeat and death, torture in hell, going into the line of redemption in hell through neglect and torture 22. recruitment of others who have addictions of all sorts to use them perpetuate in vindictiveness, pollution of mind and loss of numbers, the sane driven insane and only sane by death, deception and pollution of the mentality of all mankind, the ladder is shortened, molestation, rape and torture utilized by perversion aims but denied as secondary because of conscious subconscious conflict but determinate by wrath and lust 23. conspiracy reformation and sexual excitement of the blame of the innocent and their torture in madness because it makes no constitutional sense 24. misunderstanding of moral genius 25. quelling of bloodlust by achieved torture and wrath of innocent victims who stand up to insanity on june 06, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest evil’s conversion spirit integral on june 06, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest tuesday, june 5, 2018 reverse integral postulate contour fracturing and reintegration possible with whole and partial implications when viewing volume considerations. on june 05, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sunday, june 3, 2018 judgement and explanation of choice and the human condition on june 03, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest saturday, june 2, 2018 banking industry analysis integral on june 02, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest technology business analysis integral on june 02, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest moral deviation theory revised some time ago, i created something called moral deviation theory which postulates that deviation from a definite point of morality with a positive linear slope has a concurrent deviating line which represents current morality. in reality, the x-axis in time and the y-axis is a constant (horizontal slope) as morality is constant but what we know about it is not, but it should be represented as a constant as sin and virtue are absolutes and absolute morality is the integral of time and virtue and the purging of all sin included in this integral. the only reason the first theory was inaccurate is because it assumed absolute morality existed in a form it does not. substitute morality (misread morality) was likened to absolute and defined as absolute morality, but any line that deviates from the absolute morality line with a horizontal slope in any postulated theory is due to lack of knowledge, the rise in sin and shallow morality (must be factored out of the first theory, using an absolute morality line, to explain better the second and the nature of morality) passing as real morality through distraction, short cuts, lack of thought, mediation and an allegiance and best upholding of morality and all of the skewing or negating factors are rooted in manipulation solely as the only primary root. once again, shallow morality, a lack of knowledge, and the rise of sin must be factored out of the first theory and an absolute line of absolute morality introduced, the concurrent line deviation was due to shallow morality, a lack of knowledge, and the rise of sin primarily and the positively sloped line was due to a misreading of the nature of morality and the functioning of the world and the nature of sin and virtue. on june 02, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest investment dysfunction analysis integral on june 02, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest flaws in the investment community (exclusion of reason and life) on june 02, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest friday, june 1, 2018 perversion and disgust equations on june 01, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest perversion in mind, behavior and intellectual inbreeding equations on june 01, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest wednesday, may 30, 2018 military structure sometimes glory comes before battle, and a military command structure is vital to feel alive, deadness is without order, love of discipline and order is saintly and brings peace not fascism, as fascism is sullied control and order, not of what is above but what makes a man his place in hell, and few have one and would give it up in regained sanity. charity and kindness come with the glorification of michael the greatest solider who ever lived and vulnerable sickly child, who is the angel of kindness. on may 30, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest treachery integral on may 30, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest monday, may 28, 2018 roboticism and manipulation on may 28, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sunday, may 27, 2018 relationships math and technology explained on may 27, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest holy numbers in integral (0-1/x) or (1-1/x) integrated into/with e has to do with time and behavior, sin and virtue and what was mentioned. i would invert the holy numbers 1/x. on may 27, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sins, virtues and temperament on may 27, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest saturday, may 26, 2018 the resurrection and ecstasy on may 26, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest god integral on may 26, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest america integral on may 26, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest will, compassion and kindness, purity through reform on may 26, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest friday, may 25, 2018 degenerate activity and sin persecution of the holy on may 25, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest human vulnerability and psychopathy on may 25, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest wednesday, may 23, 2018 psychology and morality prime integrals on may 23, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest tuesday, may 22, 2018 sin measurement sin measurement is contingent upon free-will and chosen at the time of sin decision, a spectrum in a window of time, and in a spectrum of sin definite/definition and self-contained representative physicality nature. • stressor • neurobiological developmental factors • social and psychological influences • physical influences • event and time analysis • executive functioning in management sphere and constitutional terms • mood • moral constitution, moral presence at time • time, with all applicability(s) • religiosity • proper and improper fidelity to science • chemical factors • guilt and empathy processing • mental disorders/health • location on may 22, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest psychological issues examined along with adjunctive morality mechanics on may 22, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sunday, may 20, 2018 the hopeful and holy, the dark and tearful and what sinners shall teach us and bring what sinners shall teach us and bring gay people: brotherhood and redemption. pedophiles: to be as children, brotherhood and sisterhood, tearfulness, hope, conversion to the right, revolution, everlasting joy, non-exclusion. torturers: leniency, cleanliness, anti-sodomy, sanity, value of people, value of peace. warmongers: peace, humility, stability, discipline, self-control, right, steadfastness, non-accusation, through brave dedication and sacrifice. addicts: self-control, love, loyalty, brotherhood, sisterhood, pleasure, relief, guidance through therapy and hardship, caring, moral unrighteousness, financial cleanliness and order and power, prosperity, humble care and sacrifice, companionship. violent: purpose, proper mercy, gentleness, love. criminals: fairness, loyalty, non-perversion, sainthood, sacrifice, sanity, restraint through repentance and virtue, not to forget, internalization. corrupt: earnestness, law, dominion, reign, gentleness, prosperity, self-control, ending of violence of any kind, through brave dedication and sacrifice. the power hungry and greedy: deliverance, morality, strength, compassion, empathy, fairness, laws, humility, happiness, obedience, perfection belief, depression to revolution of ways of individual and mankind, liberation for mankind and from injustice and strife. mentally ill: all encompassing compassion, sanity, guilt, remorse, fear, loyalty, love, self-worth, order of mind, intuition, stability, non-judgement, non-blame, non-fault, admittance, the nature of violence and torture the greedy: rules, leniency, acceptance, receptiveness, love, fairness, triumph and patience. the lustful: piety, self-control, bonding, love, unconditional desire, pontification of love, unconditional compassion, love and compassion healing for the ill. the sub-human (the degenerative): being human, self-control, faith, worship, reverence, humility in following, ambition, the inanity of circumstance, spreading of love, creativity in perpetuity, mental toughness and softness, sustaining of humanity in all and naturality. on may 20, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest saturday, may 19, 2018 the good and the troubling and the prophecy of truth loved the opposers, "love" of truth murder on may 19, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest wednesday, may 16, 2018 traits of good and evil traits of evil found in tyrants (herod): 1. mentally ill 2. sadism 3. cowardice 4. unstable 5. punishment obsessed 6. needy 7. callous 8. controlling 9. obsessive compulsive disorder 10. infantile 11. torturous 12. controlling 13. perverted 14. spineless 15. love indifferent 16. false image in deception that hides cruel and immoral nature 17. widespread manipulation 18. apparitional presence 19. highly narcissistic 20. faux-morality and virtuous façade 21. faithless 22. infidelity to man and virtue 23. fraudulent 24. attracted to criminality 25. indifferent to cruel standards 26. a propagator and user of confusion orientation 27. weak 28. faithless 29. traitorous 30. unaccommodating 31. exploitive 32. manipulative 33. fear monger 34. liar 35. perverter of truth 36. delusional 37. endemic creating traits of good found in saints (jesus): 1. love of the world 2. fairness 3. generosity 4. honest 5. love-giving 6. soul feeding 7. nurturing 8. good-giving 9. faithful 10. brave 11. warm hearted loving 12. lenient 13. tempered 14. moral 15. supportive 16. trust deserving 17. averse to violence and disorder 18. has strong but compassionate communication 19. hope inspiring 20. feeds soul and heart 21. conciliatory 22. non-combative 23. peaceful 24. good loving 25. word choosing to inspire power 26. playful 27. devoted 28. innocent 29. non-hypocritical 30. rational 31. admitting of help needing 32. seeks greater love and faith 33. loving of positive change 34. god loving and following 35. love of the relief of compassion 36. manipulated 37. fundamentally not interested in exploration of sinful things but bound in duty more interested in hope and love 38. forgiving 39. guiding 40. reverent of hope and loyalty 41. strong 42. bringing of the age of compassion of anticipation 43. respectful of fundamental humanity 44. against and strives for non-mimicry 45. sensitive on may 16, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest tuesday, may 15, 2018 interpretation of morality and talk of sin passion and ecstasy are partial derivatives of lust processed by the fair conscience abiding mind, the is processed inverted and interpreted and compilations of choices weigh, and torture determines a great deal and with respect to torture the right responses make a large difference in outcomes and mentality, denial of lust is an adjunct to lust. to believe everything good is the mark of a holy man, to invert makes base in good, and that is corruption if executed, be wary of evil as it takes any shape. being “purely” masculine is fractured and inane as being effeminate volitionally it is conforming to a stereotype fractal, to antagonize a growing sane man to war is as superioristic and inverted as warmonger in guilt. what exactly do you want for your enemy? normality can be defined in terms of shallow morality and includes hard-heartedness in definition. it is fairness that makes a man sane. on may 15, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest the resurrection of the soul in first purpose poem adultery is chasing after falseness and façade, universal heartbreak for mere lust and ego. betraying in trust, fidelity as language of poetry of the heart, a false embrace of selfishness in another’s arm, denying the sanctity of marriage in self-deception and mindless coping and animality. emptiness and loneliness in the end but a revival in feeling trust in god, the spirit, jesus, the angels and soulmate, hope abounds in this, in emotions come richness and glory in morality in analysis and rules comes truth and the liberation of all that is human and art. in analysis a man can be virtuous, but virtue cannot be a man locked without himself, in depression a man be liberated in mercy, love and humanity in the uplifting of emotions, ecstasy and life a man is born into a woman and the sprit for it is holy. in thought a man makes blasphemy of himself in undo spirit and patient intellectual revival a man sees but feels what is taught solely by his conscience and not of his soul, or mind best. teach your children love for humanity, does and does not hang in the balance. jesus is the force of growth, action and recognizing, he may always not be himself but tortured though the injustice of obscurity and gone we did suffer, and he is king, the ash fallen upon his head is washed. true spirit comes from what we all know is truth and the light and liberation peace and love, but people perish through the uncertainty of earthly narcotism. parasitism of self and other confuses the path of liberation. the path of liberation is through the soil and juice flowing, not ashamed in structure but rather through the soul and ways of universal sensitivity, for a man knows what he wants in tumult and force power, but it escapes him for his sins strip away all that was once meaningful. nothing shall over be final except the honest truth and deception a whisper unlistened to and gone for that is the nature of salvation in goodness, being. let the man learn from the dog not underfoot, but the man leads in leniency and smiling love and benevolence and compassion, unmistakable and totality natural define, which is not constriction but the total promise of peace, and all bothers and sisters holding hands. the eternal showing shall make blissful, brilliant, thoughtful, discovering geniuses of all sorts to all of god’s children and in restraint we shall know that of least of god’s sacrifices. but ha-ha for it figured it before you equal brother, said in the storm. all that is known as good shall come to pass in eternity, a promised wish never taken back, such is the nature of good as confusion lies in evil, and even he shall know bliss the grandest mission before us in prudence and good time, but with was second a promise evident. men of integrity, all men deny not the everlasting word of the holy for it is existence and endured and gave you all beside your trials and your spirit life. souls shall be restored in this great land of fright, the universe and heaven, hell and earth shall be mad bliss and tools and but only of volunteers of soul. on may 15, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest of spirit and life on may 15, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest sunday, may 13, 2018 hope and positivism in rebirth on may 13, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest good and the beautiful one, god trust in god the arbitrator in and director of good in chief conducts morality so that goodness, the meek, takes hold and with it the truly innocent and made or born perfect are given power, riches and potency as it has always been good’s way because misery knows consequence but must learn through punishment, to speak in light is the least of which to come, for good, not satisfied, until all have the bliss in comes and brings. as it always makes evil flee, numbers, of the corrupt and attention given give evil madness and it becomes dependent for it not knows itself for there is no expansion proper in itself only to slow and contract of justice and eternal bliss and an end to pain unjustified and suffering loath. in fearless anxiety and at times unawareness and misery but even evil needs a brother for good taught it and evil taught good as it is diligent and tempered through the madness of thought and irreconcilable action, good has its way the inspirer, the nurturer, the creative, the truth, the hero, the bringer. my father never uses and forcing hand, but as a shepard, like his son, he gently applies his hand to nudge into perfection and bliss on this earth and heaven #soulmate #inspired the first iota was god as form and inflation due to sin and evil, the driver of evil and sin, that is saved only through conversion to good, and stops torture and the need for suffering. suffering is the conversion mechanism as a partial derivative. omnipotence is achieved by innocence retained through suffering but all naturally tempered fear. to put it to rest in the most that it can as of now, i am the most blessed but most tormented man that has followed god in sinlessness (check it if you want), but i have the blessings, gifts, power, and in every dimension and power god has (check it if you want), that he disburses to me at every moment in time. do not make haste with as it is idle hands, one and the same as sin and overwork is detoxifying to god's mind as he is more human and empathy capable than and as any man and higher than all in humanity. detachment he feels and he never quits through perfection. once god fully knows all that is sin and virtue, everything about it perfectly defined he will once again be omnipotent, but omnipresent whole different story (sarcasm). he confuses people. on may 13, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest jesus the force and the light brought together in sanity, the good one, the just, the slave, the prince in king, the humble, the laborer of salvation, the and who is both a force and an aura, everything, but a man, the laborer of the light in good as jesus as jesus was as to will be a man that chose humiliation, gave into manipulation to be humble glory has not the only to help with passion and the unique ecstasy of perfection granted in conscience and will and decision. a minimization not, a king, bought yes in birth and life and death and madness, the one. jesus took the sins of the world upon him as does the jews savior will take upon himself all wounds, as god took all every agonizing plot, crime, curse, torture and conspiracy upon himself abominations exist in this world and throughout the universe but there is hope and beauty that rest with the human race and it's greatest as we were blessed with jesus and others. love, such is the quintessence of the moment of greatness, which can exist in perpetuity: the picture is how i envision mary magdalene and jesus christ. on may 13, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest saturday, may 12, 2018 the aspirational and the downtrodden on may 12, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest friday, may 11, 2018 the realities of sin and lust on may 11, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest the plan my plan 1. get everyone out of hell. 2. the worst are about a few million, and they will be the most difficult to get out. 3. get everyone in heaven and to holy places as much as possible, increase worship and obedience to god. 4. convert all evil and eliminate sin through conversion of it to something good. 5. make everyone sinless. 6. study the entirety of everything in every subject and language. 7. perfect everything. 8. multiply and have children and learn from them and all will become perfect and innocent. 9. multiply love and improve everyone’s else’s lives for eternity, through learning knowledge and through personal and collective achievements and growth in all forms in good. 10. have children and expand knowledge and perfect everything. “it is for all of you, my brothers and sisters, my children, for you as i wish only to raise and serve and command. so go forth and multiply as the future is bright and we shall be in bliss with no suffering and in paradise and it will be and last for eternity” - simeon yahweh on may 11, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest defining the traits of a forever class (alpha through omega) defining the traits of a forever class (alpha through omega) 1. search alpha, repeat for all letters, conglomerate all pertinent documents 2. collide words through integrals and deal with straggler partial derivatives, deal with them as a remainder, each collision should yield a documentation and global set 3. collide until only holy words and sinful words exist, then further collide until parameters (primitively 26 words) exist, leaving only satisfying descriptor remain 4. repeat conglomeration for progress on may 11, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest the shame of an ill-lived life on may 11, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest thursday, may 10, 2018 the transition on may 10, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest wednesday, may 9, 2018 the beauty and ugly on may 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest new paradigms in right on may 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest holy resurrection on may 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest righteous indignation in love on may 09, 2018 no comments: email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook share to pinterest older posts home subscribe to: posts (atom) blog archive june 2018 (26) may 2018 (60) april 2018 (72) march 2018 (21) february 2018 (4) january 2018 (2) december 2017 (5) november 2017 (51) report abuse search this blog follow by email spotify web server monitoring by watermark theme. powered by blogger .

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